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Boost controller

Every owner of turbo car has listened these magic words just for once. But what is it and what can this device do? 

A boost controller is a device to control the boost level produced in the intake manifold of a turbocharged or supercharged engine by affecting the air pressure delivered to the pneumatic and mechanical wastegate actuator. A boost controller can be
a simple manual control which can be easily fabricated, or it may be included as part of the engine management computer in a factory turbocharged car, or an aftermarket electronic boost controller.

Modern boost controllers are electronic.They add an air control solenoid and/or a stepper motor controlled by an electronic control unit. The same general principle of a manual controller is present, which is to control the air pressure presented to the wastegate actuator. Further control and intelligent algorithms can be introduced, refining and increasing control over actual boost pressure delivered to the engine.
At the component level, boost pressure can either be bled out of the control lines or blocked outright. Either can achieve the goal of reducing pressure pushing against the wastegate. In a bleed-type system air is allowed to pass out of the control lines, reducing the load on the wastegate actuator. On a blocking configuration, air traveling from the charge air supply to the wastegate actuator is blocked while simultaneously bleeding any pressure that has previously built up at the wastegate actuator.

There is countless number of boost controllers from different famous makers. For example:

 BLITZ SBC TYPE-R boost controller
BLITZ SBC TYPE-S boost controller
BLITZ SBC i-D boost controller
BLITZ DUAL SBC boost controller
HKS EVC V boost controller
HKS EVC IV boost controller

You can buy them via TrueJDM directly from Japan. All you need is to send a message to our email.

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