Welcome to our web-site: http://truejdm.com e-mail: info@truejdm.com

Our Last Summer Orders!!!! Hurry up to dress your car in the best japanese parts!!!!

Front pad for HONDA Fit GE7 to AU

Brand new LAILE Beatrush front strut bar for TOYOTA Celica ST205 to NZ

Used dash cluster for ISUZU JATE50 to NZ

Brand new Apexi power intake dual funnel air cleaner for NISSAN Z32 to NZ

Used fog lights for SUBARU BRZ(ZC6) to AU

Used left side mirror for MMC Colt Z12A to NZ

Used ECU & throttle body for SUZUKI Wagon R  to UK

Stay with us! Be the part of real quality!
Your TrueJDM!